Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dear Colby,

It's been awhile since I've written to you.
Doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you or missing you like crazy though.
Especially with this wedding coming up. Its just not the same without you here.
And we go to these showers and events and it's like people don't know what to say to me.
I know that some people avoid me. They really avoid mom, and it's not that they're trying to be rude. People just really don't know what to say.
Oh and J.P. accidentally called Matt "Colby" the other day, and she got really embarrassed and apologized. Then she looked at mom and me like we were going to start crying. It's not like that.
But I need to call you all the time because there are things I need to tell you that only you would understand. Only you would think they're funny.

And Colby, you should see the kids. They're getting so big. And Garren talks all.the.time! And Liddie is walking. Oh and Garren talks about you and he wants to go visit you. I tell him you're in Heaven, but he doesn't get it. Hell, I really don't either.

But I know that J.S. is really missing you because they have Little A with them now, and he thinks that you would have been an amazing "uncle" for that kid. You would.

Ok, so here's what's going on around here right now…
-The wedding is in one month. I'm excited for Matt, but not excited about having to write a toast. WTF do I say? If you were here, you could help me with it. You gave an awesome toast to me. I remember.
-I'm working on our taxes right now. I think we might get a nice refund, which will be awesome. We need to make some home repairs and put some money in the kids' college funds. Most importantly though, I think we need a really nice vacation. Europe maybe?
-We went to Sesame Street Live tonight. I still can't believe I convinced Josh to go. And I can't believe that Garren sat still as long as he did.
-There may be a number 3 baby one of these days. I'm just having trouble deciding if I should put life on hold now or have kids more spread out. Closer is probably better, dontcha think???
-I need money.
-I think I'm going to run a 25k this weekend. It will be my longest distance besides that nightmare of a marathon that I made you do with me. It will also be on trails. It will probably suck, but I will be glad I did it. Maybe I should reward myself with something for doing it.
-Dad's been sick for awhile. I'm worried about him and I know mom is too, but he went to the Dr. and had labs and they showed nothing but chronic bronchitis. He also told me the other day that he doesn't think he will live too much longer. Super depressing. This family can't handle something like that right now.
-oh and it's National Sibling Day today. I didn't know that it existed but people have been posting pics of themselves with their siblings all over Facebook. I'm too lazy to look for one. It's not that I don't want to do it, but for what? To remind myself? Remind everyone else? Nah.

Dude, I miss you. Happy sibling day, little brother!
Love, T-Pot

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