Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dear Garren,

And just like that, you're two.

Ok, well maybe it wasn't just like that, but where has the time gone?

Sweet boy, you have already grown into such a fun, little dude, and I have truly enjoyed watching your personality emerge. Right now, you love trains and will play with them for hours on end. When you are finished, you will ask to watch trains on tv.

You also seem to have inherited your father's love of bicycles, and you love to ride your strider around the house. You are so good on it- you will ride it for awhile and then pick it up and carry it around, like you have seen your dad do in his cyclocross races. You tell me to clap and cheer for you and you will keep going as long as I am cheering you on.

You have such a great vocabulary, and it amazes me everyday how easily you pick up new words. I remember that before the holidays this year (before your birthday), someone said to me in disbelief "he knows snowman and pinecone." Yeah, well you also know derailed, conducter, caboose, spicy (and use them all appropriately) and many, many other words. So, when the doctor asked me at your 2-year-old check up if you are able to put together two words at a time, I almost laughed. You are capable of much more, and I am so proud and thankful.

You have a peculiar way of saying some words. For instance, conductor = condada, Lali = yaya, fruit snacks = fruit nack, shower = shou shou, sissy = sitsie. Thank you= fain fain. Oh, and your dad is often called "Josh." He doesn't particularly like it, but I have convinced him that it's karma for calling your Mimi by her first name for so long. Lali bought you a stuffed shark at the aquarium this weekend and you even named it "Josh"!

You love your sister, and you can't wait to see her every morning when you wake up. You have so much patience with her and even let her crawl all over you. I've never seen you get frustrated by that; instead, you usually just laugh at her. She loves you too, and she gets the biggest grin on her face any time you walk into the room.

You have the best imagination too. You will stand at the bottom of the stairs and yell "all aboard. it's time to go" over and over again. I asked you what you were doing and simultaneously placed my hand on top of the banister. You told me not to push down on the whistle. So, I moved my hand down a little and you told me that I was smashing Thomas' face. You also showed me where all the passengers sit and said that the train is headed to town to see Santa.

Gosh kid, you're soooo much fun and I would give anything to freeze time.

I love you so much!

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