Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dear 2014,

I feel such a sense of pressure to say the right thing for the first post on this blog, but I'm not going to dwell on that. I think I'll just lay it all out there.

Why am I blogging again after years away? The answer is two-fold. Well, three maybe. My kids are growing so quickly and I want to be able to document the day-to-day FOR MYSELF (and them if they're interested). Yes, of course it would be nice to have some readers, but that's just a bonus. But more importantly, I need a place where I can bitch, gripe and moan because LIFE ISN'T FAIR! Sometimes it's beautiful and wonderful and perfect, but other times, it just plain sucks. And 2013 was one of those times. And I can say that because even though my beautiful and wonderful and perfect baby girl came into this world, my beautiful and wonderful and perfect brother (and best friend) left this world. So, I'd like to say to the most awful year of my life, "later, bitch!"

And I can almost guarantee that 2014 will be better. Much, much better.

So here are a few things (I would prefer to call them something other than resolutions) that I think will make 2014 a happier, healthier one for my family and me:

- I lost over 30 lbs. over the last 5 months through the help of Weight Watchers and exercise. I want to maintain my current weight (under 140).
- Blog at least once per week.
- Exercise at least 3 times per week, even if it's just a 30 minute walk in my neighborhood.
- Run at least 5 half marathons.
- Practice patience with my family (and dogs) daily.
- Check in at weight watchers at least 2 times per month and maintain lifetime status.
- Read at least one book per month.
- Finish a sub-30 minute 5k that benefits an organization I believe in.
- Proudly wear my St. Jude heroes singlet for the RnR New Orleans 1/2 marathon.
- Practice not raising my voice toward my husband ESPECIALLY in front of the kids.
- Continue working on my current project in my brother's memory/honor. More on that later.
- Be a better mom to all of my kiddos, even my furry ones.
- Go on a date with my husband at least once a month, and not to some sort of social obligation either...a real date, where we can look at each other and talk to each other and hopefully remember why we started dating in the first place.
- And this one might be a stretch, but maybe we can somehow make it work...take a vacation!!! Oh how I would love a vacation- one that doesn't involve the stress of screaming kids in a hotel room, a boring road trip to some town within driving distance just because it's significantly cheaper, or a race- running or cycling.

So there it is- my 14 step plan to make 2014 my year. Wish me luck!

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