Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dear Anyone Interested in "Juicing,"

I mentioned before that one of my New Years goals was maintaining my weight and my Weight Watcher's "Lifetime" status. Well, here's the deal. My weight fluctuates, a lot, and obviously having babies has something to do with that. I love my children, but I hated being pregnant, with a capital H-A-T-E. I was sick and tired and miserable, and I tricked myself into thinking that in order to grow a human while feeling less than human myself, I needed to eat everything thing in sight. Banana splits- yum! An entire box of girl scout cookies- awesome! Potato chips covered in nutella- why not? Soooo, guess who gained 60 lbs??? And I couldn't wait to get it off and planned on starting weight watchers and running as soon as I got clearance from my doctor.

I started Weight Watchers on July 15th and by December 9th, I had lost all of the weight gained during pregnancy PLUS 12 lbs! And now that I'm at a weight that I feel comfortable in, I want to keep it that way.

But here's the other deal. My husband is not comfortable in his body. He says that he tries everything and can't lose any weight, but I know for a fact that he has not tried the "Don't drink any dark, heavy beer for awhile" diet. Really, he doesn't have any weight to lose, but he's a competitive cyclist and thinks that to perform his best, he needs to look like a 12-year-old. Ugh.

So, the other night, I came downstairs to find him watching a documentary on juicing. I didn't see it, but apparently it was so fabulous it made him think that he should only drink juice for every meal for the rest of his life. He even sent me to the mall and told me to buy a $330 juicer. I didn't. I bought the cheap one. But groceries for this kind of project are so expensive! So, the husband is now juicing (in the good-for-you, legal way), and being the awesome, supportive wife that I am, I said I would do it with him. So, we made enough juices for 2 days for both of us ($40 worth of fruits and veggies), and stuck them in the fridge to drink today and tomorrow.

And....this stuff is just plain wrong. First off, we didn't use recipes, and I'm here to tell you that lemon and celery and apples and kale don't taste that great together. But, I vowed to give it a few days, and since I'm a woman of my word, I'm going to do it. I'll let you know how it goes!
UPDATE...a week and a half in, he's still drinking two juices per day followed by a "decent" dinner. I, on the other hand, gave up after three meals of juice alone. just.plain.miserable!

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